Sunday, September 28, 2008

Gods Holy Temple

Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1 HCSB

I had do my testimony in front of the church a couple of weeks ago. As I thought on what I was going to say, I realized I had fought a fifteen year alcohol addiction that ended with five words. Lord, take this from me! Since then I have heard of two people I care about going down the road of drug use. So as I write this and use the word alcohol or drunkenness it also applies to drug use.
Why should we not drink? I have often times heard people say stuff like I don’t have a problem, I just drink socially. If you didn’t have a problem you wouldn’t feel you should have to justify it! Second while you have the right to do anything, not everything is beneficial. (1 Corinthians 6:12) So why do it? Even if you don’t feel you have a problem what about your brother that does? Look at Romans 14:21 It is wrong for a person to do anything that causes a brother or sister to stumble. Then in Romans 14:22 we are told blessed are those who do not condemn them selves by what they approve. In 1 Corinthians 5:11 Paul is talking about immorality among members of the church. “But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with any who claim to be fellow believers but are ...drunkards ... With such persons do not even eat. ” Acts 17:24 tells us God does not live in temples built by hands. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 tells us we are God’s temple and that He will destroy anyone who tries to destroy His temple, which is exactly what drugs and alcohol do. This is why God allows us to destroy ourselves once we take the freewill to do alcohol or drugs. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states again that our bodies are God’s temple and that we should honor God with our bodies. Destroying ourselves with drugs and alcohol is not how God wants us to treat His Holy temple. Besides defiling God’s temple Ephesians 5:18 tells us that getting drunk leads to debauchery. In Genesis 9:20-25 Noah’s drunkenness allowed Ham to sin. In Genesis 19:31-38 Lot’s drunkenness allowed him and his daughters to sin. Drugs and alcohol will always lead us to sin. Think of how many people you have heard talk about getting drunk and waking up with someone they did not know. No matter what anyone tries to tell you alcohol and drugs are addictive and what ever we are addicted to becomes our master.2 Peter 2:19 and we cannot serve two masters or we will hate the one and love the other. (Matthew 6:24) So how do you stop an addiction? You can’t! It takes God and you have to ask Him. Jesus told the Pharisee in Matthew 23:26, “First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.” If we let God into our Hearts, the outside will become clean and no addiction can hold us. Galatians 5:16 says walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. If you call on God and ask him to help you leave your addiction behind, He will!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Servant Nebuchadnezzar

In Matthew 20:1-16 we have the parable of the workers. This parable is about a man who hires workers at four different times during the day. At the end of the day he pays them all the same amount. The ones who worked the longest were upset because they thought they would get more even though they had agreed to the amount they received. The owner of the vineyard showed his generosity to everyone the same. This parable isn’t really about money though. It’s about God’s gift of eternal life and how He shows His grace to those who come to Him at the end of their life, just as He does to those who come early.
I studied the book of Jeremiah last month and while I found nothing about bullfrogs or joy to the world, I did find mention of wine. (Jeremiah 25:15) If you didn’t get that joke you are making me feel old. Anyways I spent most of my time studying Jeremiah in the book of Daniel. All because of two words. Before I start let me say I believe the Bible is the Divine Word of God written by God through Man. I also feel every word was intentional and used for a reason. When I study I try to look at each word individual and see why it was used. When I saw Jeremiah 25:9 refer to My Servant Nebuchadnezzar; I had to wonder why God referred to him as His servant. No mistake about it again in Jeremiah 27:6 under the authority of My servant Nebuchadnezzar appears. Okay why is He calling Nebuchadnezzar His servant. Nebuchadnezzar is an evil man, he throw men in furnaces, (Daniel 3:11) kills children in front of their father before poking his eyes out,(2 Kings 25:7) his army bashed in the heads of babies,(Nahum 3:10) oh yeah and he encourages worship of an idol that requires them to put their children through fire. Yeah we have a real saint here. Most of the commentaries quickly say that this just shows God uses evil people to do His will. Okay that makes sense, but I’m still not ready to bite. If that is the reason then there has to be another occurrence of the words My servant talking about someone who does evil to achieve Gods purpose. There isn’t. So to see who old Neb really was I went to Daniel. Nebuchadnezzar made Daniel ruler over his kingdom and allowed Daniel to appoint his friends to offices. I believe Daniel was fond of Nebuchadnezzar. When he interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, He said “if only it were your enemies.” (Daniel 4:19) Daniel 4 is written by Nebuchadnezzar near the end of his life around 562 BC. Look how it starts in Daniel 4:1-3 "King Nebuchadnezzar, to those of every people, nation, and language, who live in all the earth: May your prosperity increase. How great are His miracles, and how mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation." "I am pleased to tell you about the miracles and wonders the Most High God has done for me.", sounds like the beginning of a testimony to me. Now look at Daniel 4:34 “But at the end of those days, I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked up to heaven, and my sanity returned to me. Then I praised the Most High and honored and glorified Him who lives forever: For His dominion is an everlasting dominion. and His kingdom is from generation to generation." Now jump to Daniel 4:37 "Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt, and glorify the King of heaven, because all His works are true and His ways are just. And He is able to humble those who walk in pride." That sounds like a man who has had God turn his life around.
Now back to Jeremiah 1:5 "I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations." God knew whether or not we would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus before long before our creation. Now look at the beauty and grace in these three words: My Servant Nebuchadnezzar. To God Nebuchadnezzar was already His servant twenty something years before he called on God. Even before we decide to confess and repent God considers us one of His own. Look back at your life and all the sins you've committed and think the day I was born God looked down and referred to me as His servant.
Heavenly Father I praise Your glorious name. Lord I thank You for all You do in my life. Father to see Your Grace and Forgiveness demonstrated in the book of Jeremiah with such simple words as My Servant. Lord it brings Joy to know that You forgave me before I even knew the mistakes I would make. Father thank You for the grace You have shown me. Father I thank You for Your Word to give encouragement. In Your Son’s Holy name in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen


Friday, September 19, 2008

The Devil Among Us

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

This line in 1 Peter is often mentioned when talking about Spiritual warfare. I doubt any Christian would deny that the devil has turned Earth into his playground. You can’t turn on the TV without being tempted by sin. You can’t go out on Friday night without seeing it everywhere. If you work in the secular world, someone is always talking about how drunk they got or the one night stand they had or their extramarital affair. Yet these invites and temptations are easy to resist, because we know they were put there by Satan.

Now let’s look at war. For many centuries one foe gathered on one side the other gathered on the other side. Then they tried to see who could kill the most. It’s a little more complicated now with tanks, aircraft, missiles and bombs. Still the object is to do enough damage so that the enemy surrenders. But these are just battles not war. War takes place a long ways off from the battlefield. It takes place in our military headquarters. Generals are planning each and every battle. They place men in strategic locations with very specific missions. The most powerful weapon any military has is it’s spies. The intelligence gathers. They let the adversary know where their enemy is going to be and they stir up confusion. There is a show on TV called the Mole where a team has a task they are supposed to do, yet the whole time one member of the team is trying to sabotage everything. The object of the game is to determine who the mole is. This also is Satan’s most powerful tool. Just about any book I have read where a pastor talks about the biggest problem in their ministries, it is from within. The gossipers, backbiters, and slanderers are what destroy ministries. That is what spiritual warfare is. It is fighting Satan when he is amongst us. I just finished reading The Ten Offenses by Pat Robertson. In it he mentions a man that had his life ruined by a little gossip. He lost his wife, his reputation, and his business went bankrupt. All this was because another Christian started a little white lie, and other Christians passed it on.

Now I want to look to the bible. I’m going to start with David. Think back to Absalom’s Conspiracy (2 Samuel 15) it hurt David that his son turned on him, but he knew that it was God’s judgment on him and accepted it. What hurt him though was Ahitophel’s betrayal. (2 Samuel 15:31) In Psalm 41:9 David says even my close friend, someone I trusted…has lifted up his heel against me. David understood his son’s greed for power. He understood God’s punishment on him. But the one person he thought he could count on betrayed him.

Job had lost everything. In one day he lost his livelihood and all his children. (Job 1:13-21) Then to top it off he became sick! (Job 2:7) What did Job need; a friend to encourage him, a shoulder to lean on. Instead he got three friends that proceeded to tear him down.

Even Jesus was betrayed by someone he loved. Yes, he knew what was going to happen yet he still loved Judas. (Matthew 26:14) We are told to encourage one another. (2 Corinthians 13:11) We should try to lift one another up. We should try to help each other and not tear each other down. Our old sin nature and adversary the devil wants to see us tear each other down.

I imagine everyone of us knows a fellow Christian going through a hard time. Do we reach out and help or do we hurt them as Job’s friends did him.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thomas Bilney

A while back I was reading about Thomas Bilney. He is not well known among the reformers, but he led many of the well known reformers to their belief in Salvation through Christ, not works. While many other martyrs suffered worse deaths than he did his story and testimony just jumped out at me. I believe it’s important for us to study the persecution of Christians in the past. Here in America we really don’t have an understanding what it would be like to suffer pain and death for our religious beliefs. We need to realize that we are truly blessed in being allowed to worship freely without persecution. The early Christians did not have that luxury and in many countries today they still do not. The news media does not show us the violence that missionaries and Christians in countries like Iran, Africa, Iraq, India, Pakistan, and many others have to suffer. Second it doesn’t matter if you believe in rapture before, after, or during the tribulation, Our Christian brothers and sisters will suffer during that time! The testimonies and faith of the Martyrs help us see that God will take care of those brave enough to die for Him.

Rather than tell Thomas Bilney’s story I will just place some links at the bottom of this post for anyone who would like to read more about him. Bilney was born in 1495 and became a catholic priest in 1519. He performed all the rituals, rites fasting, purchasing of indulgences, but like many other reformers he did not feel secure in his Salvation. The Priest had forbidden him to read the Greek New Testament, but his curiosity (or God’s Grace) got to him. After getting a copy, he locked himself in his room and opened it up to 1 Timothy 1:15 “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.(KJV)” This verse changed his life. This verse Saved him! If Jesus died to save Paul then his death would also save Bilney. I remember when I read this verse I probably felt the same way as Bilney did. “Oh Paul you just don’t know, I’m going to have to take that Chief sinner title from you.” I love how when I’m having doubts about myself, my salvation or just how my life is going God will use a simple verse to say “Hey get out of your pity party and look! I’m here for you! I love you!”
So Bilney was now truly saved and he prayed for others to come to that same saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He talked with his friends about his new found faith. As God took his shyness away he started preaching publicly. Then just as happens with us Satan set him up for a fall. In 1527 he was arrested and charged with heresy. The typical practice in that day was if you denounce your heresy then you would be allowed to live. As he sat in his cell his friends begged and pleaded with him to denounce his teachings so he would escape execution. He gave in and as his punishment he had to publicly burn a stack of Tyndale Bibles. He did this and because of his denial of Christ, his life lost its meaning. I understand his pain. I know what it’s like to feel you have failed your Savior. To feel you have crucified Christ all over again! Then just as he did with Peter Jesus called him into service again. (John 21:15-19) In 1531 he was arrested for heresy and sentenced to be burnt at the stake. The night before his execution as he sat talking with friends he stuck his finger into the flame of a candle and left it till it was burned to the bone. When his friends asked what he was doing he read from Isaiah 43:2 “…when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. (KJV)” The next day he was tied to a stake and as his flesh melted from his body he called Jesus! and I Believe!
Would you go out and witness to the lost if you knew you would be burned alive? How about being tied to a red hot iron plate? If you read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs you will see being burned at the stake was not the worst means of execution. The Romans and The Catholic Church were very creative with pain and death. As I read Foxe’s Book I noticed that as the martyrs were dying they all seemed happy and at peace. Many even asked God to forgive their persecutors, just as Stephen did. (Acts 7:59-60) You may have seen video on the news or the internet of Muslims beheading their victims. The crime of being a Christian is still punishable by death in many places. As you reflect on this or as you study the Martyrs, remember the souls under God’s throne waiting for vengeance (Revelation 6:9-10) and pray for those who dare to take the word of God to these violent places that don’t know Jesus. Pray for those who live in these areas and are brave enough to trust in Christ.

Lord I pray for those who have been willing to give their lives for you. Those who sacrificed their bodies to ensure your word would make it to me. Father I pray that while I live in a country where I can worship you freely, where I can write about you, and be a witness to others of your grace and gift of salvation, that I will not waste my opportunities to serve you. Father I pray that You will remind me of those less fortunate who risk death just to call on Your Son’s Holy name. Father I pray for those with the courage to go to the countries that are hostile to Your gospel. Lord I pray that You will protect them and Lord those who must die in Your name Father I ask that you comfort them in their time of pain just as You did with Stephen. Lord I thank You for Your grace and love. In Your Son’s name I pray. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wake Up Call

I was looking to see if I could find any interesting videos yesterday and I stumbled across this one of Kirk Cameron doing street evangelism. I love his approach. Well it led me to the website way of the master. There are several videos to help show you how to share the gospel there and if you go to the street witnessing videos they have more high definition videos of using the ten commandments to witness. so here is the video Wake Up Call and below it I'm going to put a KJ52 video that asks the question Do you think God is going to think you're a good person?

Okay I decided to include this one also.

Everyone who has been saved needs to try and bring other souls to heaven with them. If you are truly a christian then you love everyone and do not want to see anyone go to hell. It's hard to go up to a complete stranger and just start talking about God but when you do it God will do the talking.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Is Anyone There?

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14:6 NIV
It amazes me some of the things God uses to talk to us! I was at work the other day when he used something I see everyday to teach me. The machine I run has a light sensor to keep the machine from cycling when someone is in the way. It sends a laser beam to a reflector which reflects it back to the box to say all clear, or to tell it someone is there. As I’m looking at the reflector, it dawned on me that that is what we as Christians are. We are reflectors! We are supposed to reflect Christ in our life which lets a lost world know someone is there. Have you ever been driving down the road at night and saw the reflectors on a bicycle? In the dark you can’t see the bicycle or the rider, but when your lights hit the reflectors you know someone is there. The world is that darkness. A lost person going through the darkness is hopeless! Until up ahead they see the light and then they know someone is there. John 1:1-5,9 refers to Jesus as the Light. Paul tells us we should imitate Christ. (Ephesians 5:1) People should be able see Christ in us. They should see The Light that is Jesus in us reflecting off of us.We can’t generate that light ourselves, because we are flesh and therefore sinners. (Galatians 5:17) We are the darkness. Yet when we accept Jesus as our Savior He comes to live inside us through His Holy Spirit. Now look at Psalm 119:74. We should be able to recognize other Christians. We should rejoice when we see other Christians. There should be a joy and hope that reflects off them. Just as we can see it so can the lost. They will want to know what is the source of our hope and joy.(1 Peter 3:15)

As you go through the rest of the week, ask yourself “Am I reflecting Christ in my life? When someone is alone in the darkness of the world and they see me, do they know Someone is there?”

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

School Prayer

Another school year has begun. My children have new teachers, new friends, and new pressures. Christian parents can’t shield their children from the real world forever. Our children are going to meet children who drink, use drugs, use profane language, and many other things. Some of our own children will make choices to do these same things. Many parents today fail to teach their children that they should have respect for themselves and other people. Thanks to cable TV raising children and being the only role models many will receive, premarital sex is not only accepted, it’s expected. Alternative lifestyles are encouraged along with drugs, atheism and Satan worship. This isn’t just in the high schools and it isn’t just in the big cities. So what are Christian parents supposed to do? We can’t follow our children to class and hold their hands all day. Although it is fun to see the look on their face when you tell them you are! Private schools are expensive and eventually our children have to enter the secular world. Plus there’s no guarantee that they won’t see the same things in a private school. So what do you do? The courts did away with prayer in the schools in the 90s. So far the Supreme Court has not said that it is illegal to pray at home about school. (I hope I didn’t give them any ideas.) God wants us to pray! Jesus did say “ask and you shall receive” (John 16:24). While many Christians start their day with prayer, most pray alone. I suggest that families form a prayer circle, hold hands and pray. Pray that God will be with each of you throughout the day. Pray for God to fill you with hope and strength. Pray that God will keep evil away from your family. Pray that he will lead each of you away from temptation. Don’t stop with just your family though! Pray for the school! Pray that God will be with the principals and teachers. Lift them up in your prayers. Pray that God will protect the students. Pray that his Holy Spirit will move through the hallways and in the hearts of the children! Pray that those who don’t know Jesus will learn that he is searching for them. Even if you don’t have kids in school, take a moment in your morning prayer to ask these things for the children at school. God is not in schools because we allowed him to be taken out. If we all pray that His Holy Spirit once again moves through the halls, our children will once again be safe in school.