Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Year

2008 is behind us and we have begun 2009. As we start this year out it is a great time to reflect on last year and ask ourselves some questions.

• How have I served God in the last year?
• Have I reflected my Lord and savior Jesus Christ in my life?
• What failings and mistakes have I made and have I confessed them to God?

Ask yourself “How have I served God?” “What have I given back to the Lord?” and “What sacrifices have I made?” God loves to see us use our gifts to spread His message. Not everyone is gifted to teach or go and witness to strangers. Not everyone has been given monetary wealth by God, but He has given everyone a gift and wants to see us use it. Some people are gifted with a smile. It is amazing what a smile can do for someone who is having a bad day. Some people are gifted with the ability to make a stranger feel right at home. Some people are gifted with planning or designing abilities. There are many gifts God can use. Take a moment and pray that God will show you your talents and how you can use them to serve Him. (Romans12:6-8)
When people see you do they know that you are a Christian? Can they tell that there is something different about you? Is the hope that Peter talks about visible in you? As a Christian you have a part of Christ living inside of you. Do you let that part show, or do you hide it? Our lives should be a living testament to the Lord! Paul said “Do you not know that your bodies are God’s holy temple?”(1 Corinthians 3:16)
Now think back over the year. Ask yourself “How have I failed God in the last year?” “Have I carried it to Him in prayer?” God knows we are human and that we will sin. (Romans 3:23) That is why He sent His Son to die for our sins. God wants us to confess to Him so that we will think and reflect on our sin. We must realize that we are sinners and a holy God cannot look upon sin. We must know that we don’t deserve God’s love before we can truly see it.
So take few minutes go to God in prayer and talk to Him about the last year. Let Him know that ‘yes, Lord, I am a sinner and I have not been everything I could be for you. Father I have not served you in every way as I should. Lord, there have been times when I wasn’t reflecting your glory as I should have. Lord I thank you for your forgiveness and grace. I thank you for sending your Son to be my Lord and Savior. Search me and give me a pure heart. Show me how you would use me. Lord may I be found faithful in the end. Amen.


Free Kutless MP3

A free Kutless MP3 is being given away at Bible Study Magazine. They are also having a contest to win cool Kutless gear and Logos Bible Software. Go check it out! They have some sample articles in PDF

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Anniversary Prayer

Today is my fourteenth wedding anniversary. As I look back over the last fourteen years I can truly say God has blessed my fountain. I have had the pleasure of a loving doe, whom's love I will be lost in forever. (Proverbs 5:18-19) I look at what Paul says in Ephesians 5:25 and believe that this is the perfect example of what true marriage should be. Just as Christ loved the church and would die and sacrifice Himself for it, a man should love his wife and be willing to sacrifice for her.
In the apocryphical book Tobit. The angel Raphael tells Tobias about the woman (Sara) he is to marry "for she is appointed unto thee from the beginning" ( Tobit 6:17) I have always felt that Amy was the one God appointed to me from the beginning of time. I look at how we met, the way we came together, and the way we raise our family, and know that God knew that we would complete each other.
In the 1996 movie Jerry Maguire, Tom Cruise tells Renée Zellweger "You complete me." It's hard to believe that Hollywood could get something so right, but they actually nailed God's plan for marriage on the head with that one. Look at Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. (KJV)
God wanted us to have someone with us. Someone to be a part of us. Someone we can confide in. Someone to share our life with us.
When God created the animals He formed each from the ground. (Genesis 2:19) They were each according to their kinds, but man was to be male and female. (Genesis 1:24, Genesis 1:27) Mankind was special. God could have done woman just like man and formed her from the ground and breathed life into her nostrils. (Genesis 2:7) He gave man a special gift though. He took one of Adams ribs and made Eve so that out of man came woman. (Genesis 2:21-23)
There is a special significance in this. When a man marries a woman they become one flesh. They are no longer two separate people but one individual in Christ. (Genesis 2:24) The woman completes the man. This is why marriage will always be one man and one woman.

and He also said: "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, man must not separate." Matthew 19:5-6 HCSB

Heavenly Father I praise You for the way Your creation works . How You gave man such a special place. Lord, not only were we created in Your image but You gave us a counterpart that would complete us. Lord I thank You for choosing Amy as my wife. Lord, I pray that You will help me to be the husband I should be. Lord I pray that my marriage will represent my Lord Jesus Christ's marriage to the church. Father I thank You for the blessings You pour out on my marriage and Lord, I ask that You continue to bless us . Father I thank You for the gift of my three children and Lord I pray that I will teach them in the way that they should go. Lord I pray that mine and Amy's marriage will be an example to them and that they will find the same happiness and joy in who You chose for them. Father I pray for those who have not found this same joy and that Lord You would call them and show them what you intended for them. Father I thank You for the fourteen years I have shared with Amy and pray that You will allow us many more. May I be found faithful. Amen

Amy, I love you!
Happy Anniversary!
Your husband Scott

Since the reference tool I use does not link to the Apocrypha I'm putting a link here for the KJV in pdf format for anyone who does not know what I'm referring to.

Monday, December 29, 2008

One In A Sea Of Faces

To see the analogies I am talking about, you need to read Tim’s Post that I have linked to below.

Back on December 15, Tim Challies posted a beautiful piece entitled One in a Sea of Faces. It is about the healing of the invalid from the book of John 5:1-15. The end of the post relates this to Calvinism. I realize in the blogosphere Calvinism reigns, and I read many Calvinistic bloggers but I cannot buy into the theology they use on Election.
I started to post on his blog but decided I would rather take a little more space and speak here instead. I do not believe that anyone should use the theology of Calvinism vs Arminianism as a reason to attack each other personally. It really is a small point as long as you don’t believe that because of Calvinism you should not go out and witness. Jesus makes it perfectly clear in the great commission (Matthew 28:16-20) that we are to go out and try to bring souls to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 Paul makes it clear that we should be united in Christ and not different views of religious leaders.
If you read in Calvin: Commentaries Chapter VII, Calvin resorts to name calling to prove his point. “Some Theologians would make foreknowledge the mother of election and that very foolishly and childishly.” When someone has a legitimate argument name calling is not necessary. I guess I go with the foolish and Childish theologian Peter. an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who are elect exiles of the dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood:( 1 Peter 1:1-2 ESV) (emphasis is mine).I also believe the great theologian Paul when in Romans 3:22, he said "the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction:" Or John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Notice all and whoever in these verses. These words are used because God offers salvation to all that believe.
God saw my life from the very beginning. He knew every mistake I would make. He knew every sin I would commit. He knew the exact date that I would be saved by the knowledge of God’s mercy through the death of Jesus Christ. He knew when I would answer His calling on my life. Nothing I have done or could do will get me into heaven. When God spoke I answered. Did I have a choice? I had the same choice Adam had when Eve offered him that apple. I could follow death or follow eternal life through Jesus Christ. God does not make any follow Him. There are many that know of Jesus that will perish in Hell because they do not know Him.(Matthew 7:22-23)
I have heard the “what do you make of Romans 9?” argument before. If you interpret Romans 9 with the rest of the book of Romans, you will see a pattern of Paul teaching that salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ. In Chapter 9 he is referring to the Jews who believe that they can be saved by following the law. (Romans 9:3-4) (Romans 9:30-31) He is speaking of the Jews that do not feel it is fair for God to grant mercy to the gentiles who did not seek mercy.
As for the shipwreck analogy that Jessica pointed out, yes it would be like God sitting on a raft saving those who ask for help. Do I have to deal with the hell issue in defending my belief? No, God tells us in 1 Timothy 2:3 He wants all to be saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth. Sometimes my kids are struggling with something and I offer to help and they refuse. Does it hurt me to see them struggle? Yes! Do I want to help them? Yes! Should I force them to let me? Not if it is something they need to do.
Curtis I love your analogy of the courtroom. It is the perfect picture of God’s Grace. The only problem is God doesn’t just go in and pay the fine because He has the money. He received the money through His insurance policy on His Son. If the guilty people will believe that His son gave His life so that Dad would have the cash to pay their fines He will pay them. Yes, God and the Son still get the glory.
I have done nothing to deserve grace. I deserve to burn in Hell for all eternity. I thank God that He loved me so much that He gave me a way to be with Him.

I did not write this post to insult anyone or to criticize their beliefs and theology. Calvinism gets the largest share of Blogs and for those who are struggling with the truth they need to see both sides. I would love comments on this post but I do not want to see anyone attacking anyone just explaining beliefs.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Clean Garments for the High Priest

Zechariah 3:1-10 HCSB

Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him. The LORD said to Satan, "The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?"
Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. The angel said to those who were standing before him, "Take off his filthy clothes."
Then he said to Joshua, "See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you."
Then I said, "Put a clean turban on his head." So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him, while the angel of the LORD stood by.
The angel of the LORD gave this charge to Joshua: "This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'If you will walk in my ways and keep my requirements, then you will govern my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here.
" 'Listen, O high priest Joshua and your associates seated before you, who are men symbolic of things to come: I am going to bring my servant, the Branch. See, the stone I have set in front of Joshua! There are seven eyes [on that one stone, and I will engrave an inscription on it,' says the LORD Almighty, 'and I will remove the sin of this land in a single day.
" 'In that day each of you will invite his neighbor to sit under his vine and fig tree,' declares the LORD Almighty."

This was the fourth vision that Zechariah had. It concerns Joshua the high priest. (Haggai 1:1, Ezra 2:36) It also shows us God's grace when we stand in judgment. Joshua means Jehovah saved. We will be saved by God through the death of His Son Jesus. We will stand in front of the throne of Christ. Satan will be there saying "He is mine. He is nothing but a sinner."
I will stand there knowing Satan is right and has every reason to call me his, but my savior Jesus will say “No, he is Mine.”
I was snatched from the fire when I accepted Jesus as my savior. I will stand filthy and stinking in front of Jesus, and He will say " Take off his filthy clothes! See I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you."
When we accept Jesus, (v7) we are to walk in His ways and keep His requirements, so that we may be given a place among the saints. Let us all be found faithful in that day.

Reread these verses and place yourself at the judgment. None of us can make it through the judgement on our own. We must have our Lord Jesus Christ's redeeming blood to wash our sins away. This is a picture of what is to come for those of us that have been snatched from the fire.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Are You Real

On my way to work earlier this week Kj52 Are You Real played. As I was listening to the lyrics, it got me thinking. When we first start out as a Christian we are always looking for God. Our old sin nature tries to make us doubt. As we mature we start seeing God working everywhere. I imagine we have all heard someone say if God was real, why doesn't He show Himself to us. Once we believe through faith God will show us He is there. When we give our lives over to God to run for us, we can almost here Him ask "Are you real?" Are you really ready to turn your life over to Me to serve My goals and not yours.
Read the lyrics below and think about it. Are you proving to God that you are real!

So much stress keeps running through my mind now.
Fell into a mess that I that wish that I could climb out.
I guess I hide it so nobody'll find out,
The way everyone thinks that everything is fine now.

At home things are messed up with mom and dad,
And at school all my friends stab me in the back.
No one is real anymore; I hate the way they act.
There's so many things that I wish I had.

So God if your there do u understand?
Don't you care about anything that's happenin?
It's not fair to put me through all this junk again.
You see that I'm scared, so help me if you can.

So please speak loud and clear 'cause I'm listenin'.
I need to know that you're real 'cause I'm strugglin'.
You need to show that your here 'cause I'm stumblin'.
Show me that you care this is why I'm saying this

Are you real?
I want to know (I want to know)
Are you real?
Then let it go (you got to let it go)

Are you real?
I want to know (I want to know)
Are you real?
Then let it show (you got to let it show)

It was right then, when everything began to change.
I started looking at these things in a different way.
I saw life through God's eyes and it wasn't the same,
And it was right at the time I called on your name.

Then I saw all these lies that was thrown away.
I recognized that I need you and on that day,
I cried out and seek you, that was when you came.
Now that I see you, I've been through a major change.

And I believe that you're real 'cause its so plain.
I finally feel I can make it through anything.
It don't matter what they speak or if they hate.
They can't keep me down no more 'cause I seen your face.

And for now on never will I be the same
'Cause I'm staying strong and I won't bend this way.
Now that I know that you're real, it's gonna be ok.
Yeah, you're speaking in my ear and this is what you say

Are you real?
I want to know (I want to know)
Are you real?
Then let it go (you got to let it go)

Are you real?
I want to know (I want to know)
Are you real?
Then let it show (you got to let it show)

See there's a war that's going on outside,
And you can try to ignore and just run and hide.
But everyday more and more people die.
See the battles for souls, we're on the front lines

So many souls, just too scared to fight
They're too worried about what people thinking of their life.
How can you fight if you don't lay down your pride?
And how will anyone see if you won't shine your light?

So many of your friends walking around blind
You got the source that can open up their eyes.
It's y'all's choice what you do with your lives,
But I'm gonna go to war 'cause I made up my mind.

Jesus gave us life when he went and died.
So the least that I could do is give him all of mine.
So how many of y'all are ready to fight by my side?
'Cause this is what he's saying right now here tonight.
Come on!

Are you real?
I want to know (I want to know)
Are you real?
Then let it go (you got to let it go)

Are you real?
I want to know (I want to know)
Are you real?
Then let it show (you got to let it show)


How can we praise God during this year’s holiday season? What can we do during the rush of the season to remember that praising Jesus is the most important thing in our lives? What should be a joyous time for all is sometimes the hardest time of the year for many.
As our economy has taken a down turn, many have found themselves unemployed. High fuel prices all summer and still high gas prices for heat this winter have made people take a second look at their financial priorities. The commercialization of Christmas and trying to live up to the expectations of times past adds another monetary burden for many.
It all starts with Black Friday, as the Friday after Thanksgiving has come to be known. From this point to Christmas every store will be advertising holiday or x-mas sales as it is not politically correct to use the word Christ. People will be decorating trees and setting up yard ornaments. Yet none of this glorifies God. None of this brings praise to Jesus Christ. This commercialization leads us away from Christ and into depression and more financial burden. In Matthew 11:28 Jesus tells us “Come to me all who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest.”
While not going into the subject of how Christmas came about or what its purpose really was, let’s look at the view most people perceive for Christmas. If you asked the majority of people why we celebrate Christmas, they would tell you to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Now ask them, “So how do we celebrate?” If they don’t stand there staring at you in surprise of your question, they will probably say by giving gifts to each other. So how is that celebrating the birth of your savior?
If you do celebrate, how can you do it in a way that will glorify the Son? This season is the perfect chance to witness. It gives an excuse to open up dialogue with a lost soul. During fellowship with family take time to reflect on why the birth of Jesus is a day to celebrate to you. Most of all take the time to reach out to others.
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45